I celebrated my high school graduation with 4 other friends. We took a taxi from the school and we went to see a fortune teller. That was my first experience. Why, how ? and so many other questions that remained unanswered for me at that time.
I'm working on an animation since the last 6 months.It is inspired by this memory from 12 years ago. I tried to find people with the same experience. I thought this theme is considered to be very banal but I want to know more about it and the only way is to go , see and talk with whoever has ever done it. As usual , human beings turned out to be much more unknown than I could imagine. First of all it was very hard to find people who had that experience and who were eager to talk about it. It took me a long time to organize the script. But the interviews are done now, the interior set is ready and I'm shooting. I have a lot to animate and the latest version of the laica reel is 11 minutes. I need to finish the film by the end of July 2010.
It's my first independent animation film after my graduation. I spent a third of my time finding budget for the film which was successful for a big part of it but..... I'm still looking for a post-production collaborator, a musician and eventually a distributer.
C'est un texte vraiment intime, qui donne envie de voir le film... Tu te poses des questions super intéressantes, tes réponses sont belles: j'ai hâte de voir le film!! Et l'image est vraiment belle.
That sounds super interesting. I've had many experiences w/ fortune tellers and fortune telling...there are so many factors that influence one's perception of the experience. I can't wait to see the film!
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