Thursday, May 6, 2010


I wrote this note two days ago,but I didn't publish it .The same night, in my dream ,I cut my breasts myself and I sew them again on my body. I think I wasn't happy with the way they were before .The result was a hideous piece of meat sticking to me. In my dream I was talking to my mom and a friend of mine about it and they seemed to be very relax, as if nothing has happened .Obviously, I woke up !!

Here is what I wrote before I sleep:

4 years ago ,after experiencing a mental crash!, I finally accepted that there are sometimes some limits I'd better keep. Somebody told me afterwards that it happens for everyone when they pass 25; when they stop dreaming about their life by accepting the reality. I accepted this justification right away as it seemed really beautiful.

Now ,approaching my third decade of life,I'm recovering from a physical crash. I easily passed about 5 months of last year dealing with pain and weired physical symptoms. I'm gradually receiving the news from my Dr. s .Good news which are telling me that the problems are mechanical ! and that there has been a problem but they can`t find the reason. I'm extremely happy that I can walk and sit down again :)


I don't want to believe that I'm changing. I hate feeling that these phases are the turning points in my life. I hate loosing my free spirit.
I don't want the time to go back but I want myself to change back to who I was in August 2005.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Age group: 2-5 years old

Last weekend I saw ''Jacque and the beanstalk'' ; a version for young people between 2-5.
The whole show lasted about 35-40 minutes. Everything was magic there ; a tiny space which is used by it's 5 dimensions and a narration that had no ups and downs. The whole story was being told by a storyteller who was giving and imaginry life to a puppet she found in her garden. The puppet in this story easily stole a hen that laid golden eggs , a golden harp and a piece of gold from the castle of the Giant. As easy as that.No trace of the giant and his wife.

The last third of the show was about ''how to plant a bean?'' ! Everyone recieved a bean and the instructions to follow. Adults were warned not to let any child alone with the beanstalk. The whole show wasn't about anything good or bad.It was about feeling a moment of magic.

P.S: The show was presented by